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How To Do Smokey Eye Makeup?

How To Do Smokey Eye Makeup?

Do you know how to do smokey eye makeup? Do you like to have smokey eye makeup but does not how to do it? If you do not know then in this post, we will be telling you the clear cut method that will be telling you detailed steps and procedure to get done with the smokey eye makeup!
Check out the below written steps and have the smokey eye makeup!
  • In the very first, you have to apply the concealer. If you will forget applying the concealer then your dark circles will be visible and you will not be able to get fresh eyes.
  • After applying the concealer, you have to start applying the highlighter on your eyes, this highlighter will make your eyes more prominent.
  • Right after the application of the highlighter, you have to make the selection of the eye shadows. You have to give your 100% attention while finalizing the eye shadows, it has always been recommended that girls should go for grayish and blackish sort of colored shades and charcoal sort of eye shadows. Such kind of eye shadows will give them a more enhancing and appealing look to your eyes.
  • Right after making the selection of the eye shadows, now start applying the lighter eye shadow first and rub it on your eyes in a finer way, you have to make an application of this lighter eye shadow in such a way that it look perfectly blended. Now, make an application of the remaining eye shadows and these dark and medium colored eye shadows should be blended in a perfect way and manner.
  • The darker colored eye shadow should be blended at the edges so that your eyes should look prominent.
  • After blending, you have to make sure that the edges of your eyes are equally balanced! After this, make an application of mascara and eye liner. These are the most important steps because these mascara and eye liner will further enhance and magnify the look of your eyes!
  • Now, you are all done and now you are having perfect looking smokey eye makeup!
Go through these steps and get smokey eyes right away, we are sure that you will find these steps lot more easier! Try out this method and let us know your feedback too!

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