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Best Ways of Using Turmeric For Skin You Must Know!

Best Ways of Using Turmeric For Skin You Must Know!

Turmeric which is a deep yellow slice is a magic ingredient for many of the health care and beauty care products. In Ayurveda, it is considered as the herbal remedy for many skin problems especially because of its therapeutic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is one thing that shouldn’t be missed on your beauty regime. Let’s see the turmeric benefits for skin in detail!

It works wonders for not just one but innumerable skin care problems. It is also a best homemade medicine for many of the health problems like the headachesdepressiondiabetes andfibromyalgia. The worst part is that most of the people aren’t aware of the turmeric benefits forskin. We simply follow the stereotypical way of rushing to cosmetics showrooms with loaded wallets and bring along all those expensive over the counter products. We never realize that we can simply fight most of the health and skin care problems by using the natural homemade remedies using the turmeric.
Read on this article which has thrown light on the turmeric benefits for skin and health! Stay tuned!

Best Turmeric Benefits for Skin!

1. Say Bye to Wrinkles

One of the first signs of aging is the wrinkles. Turmeric, when combined with other simple ingredients, is very effective in fighting the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The anti-inflammatory and the therapeutic properties of the turmeric will help in reducing the wrinkles around your neck, on the face and hands.

What Do I Need To Do?

  • Mix some turmeric powder with rice powder. Add some raw milk to it and blend the mixture well.
  • Apply this pasty mixture on your face and neck. Let it stay for about 45 minutes. You might feel a little irritated because of the rigidness caused by the application of this mixture. However, after some time, this irritation will subside.
  • Rinse off the mixture by using some lukewarm water.
  • By repeating this for 2 to 3 weeks applying it twice a week, you will notice that the wrinkles on your face and the neck area are reduced and this will also brighten your skin.

2. Remedy for Burns – Turmeric Benefits for Skin

Turmeric is loaded with antiseptic properties which make it a perfect ingredient that can be used when you have Burns. These burns could be on your face or any other part of the skin. Turmeric will provide you an instant relief from these Burns and soothes the Burns. Even when the Burns are really serious, you can use it the first aid before you rush to your doctor.

How Do I Do It?

  • All you need to do get some turmeric powder and the aloe Vera gel to do this trick.
  • Aloe Vera gel can be found over the counter or if you have an aloe Vera plant at home, then you can manually extract the gel out of the leaf with the help of a knife.
  • Mix the turmeric powder with aloe vera gel to firm a thick paste. Apply this mixture on the area of Burns and left it to stay for 10 to 20 minutes. You will get instant relief from the pain and the pain will slowly subside.

3. Turmeric Benefits for Skin – Fights Acne

Today, most of the girls worry about the acne problems. There could be a hundred reasons for the appearance of your acne. The easiest way to fight acne is by the application of turmeric. There are a lot of cosmetic products too that are helpful in fighting acne, but you can notice that in most of those what you can actually find is the turmeric extracts. Instead of taking turmeric extracts indirectly, isn’t it better to directly use turmeric which will give you best results? Try the following go fight acne effectively with the help of natural ingredients.

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