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How to Fix Scaly Lips in one day - Two best trick for soft and smooth lips

How to Fix Scaly Lips in one day - Two best trick for soft and smooth lips

Our lips do not contain any oil glands, so they are more susceptible to drying out and becoming scaly and cracked. Dry skin is bad, but dry scaly lips is even more worse. Scaly lips is so painful and looks bad. It reflects that you don't take care yourself properly.

Main causes of scaly lips are-

Weather, wind, sun exposure, licking your lips, allergy, dehydration, lack of moisturization, medication etc. Scaly lips is very common problem during winter season due to lack of humidity in the air. Most common cause of dry and scaly lips is lack of self-care.

So, take care of you skin properly and get rid of these skin problems. Skin care is not so difficult task to do, it is very easy and simple. But one thing is important that you should follow skin care regime on daily basis. One time in a week or in a month does not shows you a effective result. Besides daily skin care routine, you should take good diet and hydrates yourself. 

Today, I share my two do-it-yourself tricks with you. Here is the two best tricks for scaly lips, these tricks are so easy and makes your lips baby soft, smooth and beautiful.

How to Fix Scaly Lips in one day - Two best trick for soft and smooth lips

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is very effective in treating dry scaly lips. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that can heel your crack lips. 
  • Apply coconut oil on your lips and massage them in a circular manner. After massaging 5 min., rub warm wet soft cloth on you lips. It exfoliates all dead skin and scale from your lips.
  • Take some drops of coconut oil, apply on your lips several times daily. Coconut oils provides relief from soreness and itching on your dry cracked lips.


Vaseline petroleum jelly is the perfect choice for lips with any type of lips problem. I always use petroleum jelly as a lip guard through out the year. It available in different flavors and variety like rose lips, coco butter, aloe-Vera Vaseline. It forms protective layer and lock the moisture on my lips. It protect the lips from the dry-cold air and re-hydrates the skin of the lips.
  • Apply Vaseline petroleum jelly on your lips and massage in a circular motion with the help of soft tooth-brush. It exfoliates your lips and make them extra soft. 
  • Repeat this trick a couple times a day until your lips are no longer scaly.  

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