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10 Best Homemade Face Masks For Glowing Skin & Clear Skin

10 Best Homemade Face Masks For Glowing Skin & Clear Skin 
Summers often spell havoc for our skin and hair. Dull, tanned and oily skin is the most common problem for everyone during this hot weather. Often, our skin starts breaking out and getting tanned is an issue most girls constantly deal with. For combating this issue, homemade remedies are not only natural but also very effective. So here are the 10 best  natural homemade face masks for glowing skin that are tried and tested by us at HBM.

Top 10 D-I-Y Homemade Face Masks For Glowing Skin in Summers 

Papaya & Honey Face Mask For Dull Skin
Mash 2-3 pieces of ripe papaya and add 2 teaspoon of honey to it. Apply on clean, dry face and leave it for half an hour. Wash off with lukewarm water to reveal clear, glowing skin. It is one of our favorite and most effective homemade mask for clear and glowing skin. Benefits: Papaya is rich in vitamins and also contains an enzyme called papain which helps in exfoliating dead cells and lightens the skin. The antioxidants present in it helps to repair dull and damaged skin. Almond & Milk Face Mask For Aging & Fine Lines

Almond & Milk Face Mask For Aging & Fine Lines 

This is a tried and tested homemade face mask recipe for soft and glowing skin. Soak 4-5 almonds in milk overnight. In the morning, blend it into a fine paste. Add some rose water so that the consistency becomes easier to apply. Apply and leave it on for 20 minutes. Do this everyday and within 10 days, you can see visible results. Benefits: The vitamin E and other antioxidants present in almonds help to prevent ageing and fine lines while maintaining the youthfulness of the skin. Almonds also contain Omega-3 Fatty Acids which gives a natural radiance to it.

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