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Modern Arabic Mehndi Designs for Hands 2017-2018 | A Women Park

Modern Arabic Mehndi Designs for Hands 2017-2018 | A Women Park

Henna known as Mehndi which is an important part in styling of women of Subcontinent, Arab and South Asian region. Modern Arabic mehndi designs for hands are classic and awesome like you ever desire. It is gaining popularity all over the world.
Mehndi applying on hands is a cultural part of Pakistani fashion and other dominating countries of Muslims. This kind of mehndi has various type related to color and designs, mostly used colors and patterns of beautiful mehndi design are black and red.

Arabic Mehndi Designs

Arabic mehndi is preferred choice of many festivals, occasions and wedding or even for casual wear as it look different from usual mehndi, Arabic mehndi designs provides sharper, stronger and prominent color designs which has a great and attractive effect. Arabic mehndi is characterized by distinctive floral artwork depicted in free flowing structure, these shapes have a geometric pattern that covers large part of hand to make it more elegant.

Modern interpretation of these Arabic mehndi designs are very traditional that are the combination of fine middle-eastern artwork with contemporary designs, these modern designs are all about making statements that adds an ornamental effect to enhance the beauty of bride.

Modern interpretation of these Arabic mehndi designs are very traditional that are the combination of fine middle-eastern artwork with contemporary designs, these modern designs are all about making statements that adds an ornamental effect to enhance the beauty of bride.

These designs are getting very popular as they have a modern touch to make your hands more beautiful. Some of the modern designs include following patterns:

These modern and beautiful Arabic mehndi designs are getting popular day by day. Specially young girls are showing more interest to make new elegant patterns of Arabic mehndi designs on hands as these designs also represent our culture.

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