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Radiant skin in Urdu

Radiant skin

First Antioxidants and sunscreen
When it comes to sunscreen, much has happened, but no matter how often or how much of it plotting, can offer 100 percent protection is not it. Also the combination of sunscreen and antioxidants is not a panacea, but prevents them from fine wrinkles, inflammation and skin spots. A Serum that contains antioxidants with sunscreen.
Second Treat sun damage
When UV-damaged skin creams help that contain retinol. They alleviate the damage already incurred as fine lines around the eyes and mouth, brown spots, or rough skin.
Third Algae against too much sun
Studies suggest that substances in the diatom skin damage - can be repaired - caused by sun rays. Even skin cancer will bow the substances by eliminating dangerous cancer genes. Besides creams containing algae extracts, one can absorb the healthy nutrients and a tasty seaweed salad.
4th Bright eyes
Dark circles everyone knows, after long nights and stressful days they suddenly appear. Unfortunately, they are not as easy to get rid of again. The concealer helps, but in the long term, there are other remedies. Moisturizing creams with ingredients such as collagen or hyaluronic acid to fill the skin and hide the blood vessels, the dark circles indicate their color. The dark circles are also swollen, helps a seaweed mask.

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