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Homemade Beauty Tips for Hair Removal

Homemade Beauty Tips for Hair Removal
Unwanted hair can cause annoyance and can put women in a very awkward situation. In fact, some women feel uncertain to be in the public because of this problem. Here are some treatments for the hair removal.


Hair removal is a common problem among man and woman. You influence have tried shavers, wax, tweezers, machines and depilatory creams to get free of unwelcome hair that make your face look unpleasant. Unfortunately, these methods never give you the anticipated consequences and you are stuck with the same difficult, over and over again.

Homemade Beauty Tips for Hair Removal

Here are some perfect beauty tips for Hair Removal:

Basil Onion Paste:
You need 9 to 12 fresh basil verdures and the thin translucent membrane found in the onions. Take membranes of two onions and make a adhesive by crushing these with basil leaves. Smear this glue on the parts with excess hair. Using this adhesive for a month will bring helpful result and you might end up getting rid of your unwelcome hair forever.
Basil Onion Paste for Hair Removal

Thanaka Powed & Safflower:
You will need thanaka powder and safflower oil. Now you must be speculating the thanaka powder. It is a yellowish-white colored powder made from the woof of thanaka tree and is usually used in Burma as a cosmetic. Make an adhesive of thanaka powder and safflower oil, the constancy should match with a hair elimination cream. Smear it to the areas where you have unwelcome hair and let your skin engross the gum. Retain it on for the night and colorant off in the morning with water. 3 months of regular use will help you get free of your problem enduringly.

Yogurt, Gram Flour & Turmeric:
Take 2 tablespoon yogurt, 2 tablespoon gram flour and ½ teaspoon turmeric powder. Make a fixative of all these elements and smear it to your facial hair. Let it dry and mildly scrub it off. Persistent use of this mixture for a few months will eliminate facial hair enduringly.

Yogurt, Gram Flour & Turmeric

Turmeric & Indian Nettle Paste:
Take dry powdered turmeric, Acalphya Indica leaves and neem leaves, and make a cream. Smear this adhesive to the areas with hair and let it dry, then peel off.

Turmeric & Indian Nettle Paste

Papaya Turmeric Paste:
A paste of raw papaya and ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder is very operative for eliminating unwanted hair enduringly. Just massage your face with this paste for 15 minutes and wash off. Use it once a week to get fruitful results.

Papaya Turmeric Paste for Hair Removal

 Honey & Lemon Juice:
Blend 4 tablespoon honey and 2 teaspoon lemon juice and smear this mixture in the direction of the hair. Wash off after 15 minutes and use this mixture two times a week if you are observing for good benefits.

Honey & Lemon Juice

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