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Having flawless skin is a matter of privilege in today’s times. There are external factors such as sun exposure, ageing, genetics, stress, pregnancy and vitamin deficiencies that lead to the emergence of brown spots on exposed skin surfaces such as face, neck, back, arms. Though they are harmless, they look unattractive as blotches. Here are a couple of remedies to lighten brown spots.
Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera plant has excellent healing properties and is known to help in skin regeneration. Take some aloe vera and gently rub it on the brown spots. Leave it for 30 minutes or overnight and then wash it off with cold water to notice improvement.
Lemon Juice :
Known for its bleaching properties, lemon juice is apt for getting rid of dark spots. Just apply fresh lemon juice over the affected area, leave it for 30 minutes and wash with cold water. Repeat this procedure twice daily for over two months to see noticeable results. If you have sensitive skin, dilute the lemon juice with honey, water or rose water. As an alternative you can mix sugar in lemon juice to form a paste and then use it as a face scrub. Rinse with water after 5-10 minutes to see the desired results.
The delicious Buttermilk that we have is blessed with lactic acid that helps exfoliate the skin, helping remove blemishes and spots without causing dryness. Use a cotton ball to apply buttermilk over the dark spots, leave it for few minutes and rinse off with water. You can also combine four teaspoons of buttermilk with two teaspoons of tomato juice and apply this mixture on the affected part. Make sure to repeat this procedure twice daily to get effective results.
Castor Oil:
Castor oil is known to have strong healing properties when it comes to treating brown spots on face and skin. You can combine other oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, vitamin E oil or almond oil to remove the bothersome spots. Just apply the concoction over the affected parts, gently massage the area, leave it for few hours and then wash it off. Repeat this technique once in the morning and once at night to even out your skin tone.
Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is what helps you fade off and dry out the spots with effective ease. Dilute it out with equal amount of water and then apply. Follow it up by washing it off with water.
Sandalwood is not only an effective antiseptic but an anti-ageing agent too that helps fight and reduce skin hyperpigmentation. Combine two tablespoons of sandalwood powder with two teaspoons of rose water. Now add one teaspoon each of glycerine and lemon juice. Apply it on the affected area and leave it to dry. Once that happens, wash it off with cold water.
Follow these simple home remedies to deal with darkened skin in the comfort of your home.

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