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Eye Makeup Tips for Beginners

Eye Makeup Tips for Beginners

For all those who are already pro in this field, go ahead and read these tricks as it’s always good to brush up your knowledge. Here are some perfect and appropriate eye makeup tips for you.

Eye Makeup Tips for Beginners

For all those who are just start to trial with eye makeup, here are tips and actions that you should know and continuously trail while smearing your eye makeup. They would help you to avert doing the blunders that learners might do.
Making your eye liner correct is one of the most significant steps to eye makeup. So here are some makeup tips for eyes that every learner must definitely know about


1. To avoid smudging of eyeliner, make sure the eyelids are grease/oil free. You can ensure this by using a makeup remover.
2. To get that perfect look, I keep my eyes open while using eyeliner. It is a little difficult at the beginning but you will eventually get hold of the trick.
3. Make sure to keep line as close to the eye lashes as possible, so that it looks like a part of your eye.
4. But there are times when you want to make your eyes look bigger, for that you can use a white pencil in the inner rims of your eyes and then use the liner outside it.
5. To make your eye look bigger, go for a pencil eyeliner as it tends to be softer. Smudge the line with your finger so that it looks more natural than a straight line.
6. With age you might be reluctant to use eye liner. Don’t stop using eyeliner; just start using a softer shade.
7. The color along the bottom lash line should never be deeper than the color on your top lash line.
8. You can line along the top lash line without lining along the bottom. But if you line the bottom lash line, you must line across the top lash line too.
9. The first tip you should know is that the mascara should be placed near the roots and not the tips to make your eyelashes look longer.
10. Mascara looks very bad if the eyelashes stick together. To avoid this, shake the brush horizontally to separate them while applying your mascara. Mascara
11. After you apply the mascara, use an eye lash comb or a clean mascara brush to remove clumps.
12. Eyelash curler: It can be used after or before using mascara, both will work equally well.
Eyelash curler

13. For the bottom eye lash, you can use a tissue paper to prevent spoiling your makeup.
14. To help your mascara stay longer, you should always use base first.

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