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Best Uses of Coconut Oil For Wrinkles on Face

Best Uses of Coconut Oil For Wrinkles on Face 

As we age, the main concern for skin become the visible signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines, under eye creases, etc. For some, these signs of ageing can show up prematurely, say as early as the 20s. This can be due to stress, lifestyle choices, non-removal of makeup etc. The very first thing that comes to our mind when we notice any sign of ageing is to use an anti-ageing cream. While anti ageing creams in India do help in combating the formation of new wrinkles, most of them don’t work well on existing ones. However, there is a simple and natural ingredient which helps in reducing wrinkles and fine lines effectively- Coconut Oil. It is readily available and is also cost effective compared to any anti-ageing cream . So today we enlist the top uses of coconut oil for wrinkles on the face, mouth and under eyes.

Best Uses of Coconut Oil for Wrinkles on Face & Under Eyes 
Make sure you pick an organic coconut oil for treating wrinkles so that it does not contain any unnecessary chemicals as you will be applying it to the face and the delicate under eye area. Benefits of Coconut Oil for Skin & Face Why is coconut oil so beneficial for ageing skin? This is the first question that might come to your mind while reading this post. Well, coconut is enriched with anti-oxidants which helps to shield the skin against free radicals that damage the skin and cause wrinkles, especially due to the exposure of UV rays. It is also a natural emollient hence hydrates the skin well and keeps dryness at bay. Once the skin gets the proper nourishment, it remains soft and supple. This is how the formation of fine lines and wrinkles are reduced with the passage of time. This magical elixir also contains the goodness of vitamins A, E and essential proteins that encourages the production of collagen, which keeps the skin firm and youthful. Additionally, coconut oil maintains the skin’s connective tissues which prevents the sagging of skin. With constant exposure to UV rays and dryness, the skin can become pigmented but massaging it with coconut oil brings back the glow. Lastly, it has the medium chain triglycerides (MCT) and lauric acid that repair the skin cells effectively.

Least to say, coconut oil is extremely beneficial for the skin so lets move on to the numerous uses of coconut oil from which we can reap its maximum benefits. 

10 Top Uses of Coconut Oil for Wrinkles on Mouth & Forehead 

1) Coconut Oil for Moisturization 

Since coconut oil is a natural emollient, it helps to hydrate the skin and keep it soft and supple. If you have dry skin, you can directly use the oil and massage it until it gets absorbed. For oily skin, you can massage and blot the excess with a tissue to prevent clogging the pores. Using coconut oil before bed is one of the best uses for wrinkles on the face. However coconut oil is a comedogenic ingredient hence we recommend limiting its usage to twice or thrice a week to prevent breakouts. 

2) Coconut Oil & Olive Oil for Wrinkles on Forehead 

Coconut oil and olive oil is a wonderful combination to treat wrinkles on the face or neck. Coconut oil is a rich emollient with various properties and olive oil is also enriched with the goodness of polyphenols that fight against skin damaging free radicals. It also contains vitamins A and E that acts as a natural moisturizer. Simply massage both the oils and leave for on overnight for bright and supple skin.

3) Coconut Oil with Honey for Wrinkles on Mouth 

Honey is an anti-bacterial and it also hydrates the skin effectively. It has the potential of removing dirt and toxins from the pores and keeps the skin acne free. Add 3-4tbsp of coconut oil and 1tbsp of honey. Keep stirring until the mixture has a thick consistency. Use your fingertips to massage this all over the face for a few minutes and then leave it on for 45 – 60 minutes. Wash off with cold water and pat the skin dry. This will remove pigmentation and prevent acne as well. Definitely one of the best uses of coconut oil for wrinkles. 

4) Coconut Oil with Argan Oil 

Argan oil is just not an elixir for hair but for the skin as well. It is rich in anti-oxidants which prevents the  damage caused by environmental pollution and UV radiation. The properties of Tocopherols and fatty acids such as Linoleic acid present in Argan oil improves the elasticity and cell strength of facial skin. Mix coconut oil and Argan oil in 4:1 ratio and massage all over the face and neck. Keep it on overnight and wash off in the morning with a cleanser.

5) Coconut Oil for Removing Makeup: Uses for Wrinkles Under Eyes 

Coconut oil is legit the best makeup remover for waterproof makeup. The oil removes every layer of stubborn and long wearing water proof makeup. It is safe for the eyes as it will not cause any irritation or itching. The best part is that you won’t have to rub again and again but merely let the oil soak the makeup and gently wipe off. 

6) Coconut Oil with Gelatin 

Coconut oil and gelatin mask helps in making the skin smooth and soft. Mix 2tbsp of gelatin in warm water and add 1tbsp of coconut oil (you can also add other essential oils which work for your skin). Mix it thoroughly and when the mixture is lukewarm, apply it on the face and neck in thick layers. Once dried, peel it off and you’ll notice how supple your skin looks. It will remove the layer of dead cells and facial hair making your skin smooth and soft.

7) Uses of Coconut Oil for Wrinkles Under Eyes 

If your skin is damaged, the first signs of ageing will appear around the eyes in the form of fine lines, crow’s feet, wrinkles, etc. The under eye area is really delicate hence you need to be careful about what you apply there. If eye creams are not working for you, coconut oil will surely do. Just dab a drop of coconut oil around the eyes and pat with the ring finger to let the area absorb it. Do this every day before hitting the bed. 

8) Coconut Oil with Besan 

Besan has numerous properties for the skin and when combined with coconut oil, the amalgamation is absolutely amazing. in a small bowl, mix rose water and besan as a face pack. Now, add 1bsp of coconut oil in it. Apply it generously on the face and let it dry completely. Once dried, start massaging the face in circular motions till the particles are coming off. This removes facial hair along with exfoliating the skin. Next, wash the face with a cleanser or simple cold water and pat the skin dry.

9) Coconut Oil with Vitamin E Oil 

Vitamin E oil is an excellent ingredient which aids in healing damaged skin while supporting the growth of healthy new skin cells. To prepare the mixture, warm a tbsp. of coconut oil in a boiler and add 2 vitamin E capsules. Keep stirring until it is combined and let it cool down to room temperature. Then, massage it onto the skin for a few minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. This will also brighten the complexion and remove pigmentation from th skin. Surely one of the best uses of coconut oil for wrinkles on face. 

10) Coconut Oil, Olive Oil and Shea Butter 

This is an amazing use of coconut oil for dry skin. Olive oil hydrates the skin while the shea butter helps in restoring the elasticity of the skin. The combination of the three is excellent to keep the skin soft and supple in winters. Melt 1tbsp. of coconut oil, olive oil and shea butter and keep stirring. Let it cool down and then use the finger tips to massage it into skin the until absorbed. After 30-40mins rinse with lukewarm water and pat dry.

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