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Almost all of us have some or the other kind of dark spots on the face. Dark spots are also known as freckles, sunspots, age spots etc. and are caused by excess exposure of the skin to the sun, zits, acne, blemishes and black heads. Pollution and chemicals also play a role in this. Using home remedies can work out to be much cheaper than chemical based products and they can help treat your condition without any side effects. Here are some overnight home remedies that allow your skin to be free of dark spots, black spots, pimple marks or even acne scars.

Mix two tablespoons of sandalwood powder with a few drops of rose water and apply it onto the spots or the entire face. Make sure to prepare a runny paste with sandalwood and rose water so that it takes time to dry out. Wash it off in the morning.

Buttermilk is also beneficial in getting rid of dark spots. Take four teaspoons of buttermilk and add two teaspoons of fresh tomato juice. Mix the two ingredients (both have excellent bleaching properties) and then apply. Wash it off in the morning.
Onions have anti-microbial properties and they help remove the acne related scars and spots. Take an onion and cut it into several pieces, grind them and then, separate the juice from the smashed onions. Apply this mixture on the affected areas of the skin; allow the mixture to remain overnight.
Grate some cucumber and add milk to it along with some lime extract. Mix all the ingredients together to form a paste and apply the paste onto the affected area of the skin. This face pack is rejuvenating and you can also use it all over your face.
Use rose water on the dark spot on your skin, to lighten it. You can mix rose water with some sandalwood powder to make a smooth paste and apply it on your skin to diminish, lighten or fade out the blemishes away.
Aloe Vera is an effective remedy for healing skin stings, burns and brown spots. It acts as a lubricant and nourishes rashes and blackheads. Rub fresh aloevera gel / oil gently on the dark spots. Allow it to stay for the entire night  before rinsing it off with cold water. Repeat this procedure for one month. Simultaneously, you can also take 2 tablespoons of aloevera juice everyday on an empty stomach for quick results.
Turmeric is another popular skin-lightening agent that can be used to get rid of black spots on your face. It is also effective for quickly removing sun spots and age spots. Make a thick paste of turmeric, milk and lemon juice. Apply it to the skin where there are black spots. Leave it overnight and then wash it off with lukewarm water in the morning.
  • Rub ice cubes wrapped in a wash cloth to improve the circulation of blood to skin for making it clear and glowing.
  • You can exfoliate skin with egg and turmeric. Egg has acids that help in clearing and removing wrinkles and dark spots from skin while turmeric is an anti-septic skin lightening agent making skin clear and glowing.
  • Increase the vitamin C content in your diet to clear the scars and spots from skin. Vitamin C produces collagen that quickly repairs skin making it beautiful.
  • Rub potato slices to your face for lightening the pimple scars and black spots. Catecholase in potato is a skin lightening enzyme that helps in clearing skin and making it fair.

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