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Top 5 Beauty Tips by Dr. Bilqees

Top 5 Beauty Tips by Dr. Bilqees

Dr. Bilquis Sheikh Tips for Hair, Skin and Weight Loss

Get the top 5 beauty tips by Dr. Bilquis Sheikh, the famous herbalist of Pakistan. Dr. Bilquis has been suggesting very useful beauty and health tips for girls especially. She appears in various television programs where she answers peoples' queries with solution to their problems. She has advised hundreds of tips so far which are very effective for girls and women in different scenarios.
KFoods.com is presenting here the top5 health and beauty tips by Dr. Bilquis Sheikh which are about dry hair problems, fat belly, pimples, black heads etc. If you are a beauty tips seeker, do not miss this post. Read the best beauty tips from the famous Pakistani herbalist.
Beauty tips by Dr. Bilquis are worth knowing for every woman who seek to improve her beauty. Dr. Bilquis's tips are effective and should be preferred over others'.

Short Bio of Famous Herbalist Dr. Bilquis Sheikh

Dr. Bilquis was born in August 1972 in Chitral, a beautiful city in northern areas of Pakistan. Dr. Bilquis was naturally gifted with a tendency toward herbs and their properties. In year 2005, she achieved a degree of Alternative Medicine Doctor (AMD) from Sri Lanka. With her continuous research and interest in herbs, she became the top herbalist of Pakistan. Her research work in the industry is still continued. In 2009, she launched a company BSM Kreations Naturalize which produces different kinds of herbal products. Dr. Bilquis has appeared on various television programs where she tells health and beauty tips for women. Her programs are very popular in Pakistan.
KFoods.com is offering 5 selected beauty tips by Dr. Bilquis which are presented below for your perusal.


Mix a pinch of boric powder and a pinch of sugar in one teaspoon of lemon juice. Store the mixture in an empty bottle and leave for 5 days. Later the 5th day, dab the solution on blackheads on your face and they will be removed soon.


For reducing belly fat, Dr. Bilquis has given a wonderful tip. Take raw papaya and cut it in cubes (without removing the peel). Now take one cup vinegar (sirka), half teaspoon grounded black salt (kala namak) and one large spoon of crushed fennel seeds (saunf). Now mix them all to make a solution. Now store papaya cubes and mixture of vinegar in a jar and leave it closed for a week. After the week, it will become a pickle. Eat a cube daily after the meal and observe the magic.


Dr. Bilquis has told various tips for pimple removal, we are presenting here the best one. Put 2 to 3 dried basil leaves into a cup of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, it will form a paste. After 20 minutes, water temperature will become normal and paste will be ready for use. Apply the paste on pimples with cotton. It will remove the pimples soon.


Face hair is a severe problem for women. The products available in markets cannot be believed to work certainly. Dr. Bilquis has given a very effective face hair removal totka in a television program. You can apply that totka in order to remove hairs from your face. 


Having dry and weak hair is a general issue which keeps girls worry. Approaching one after one tonic for years and still results are zero. Why not to consider the tip from Dr. Bilquis Sheikh? Famous herbalist has an efficient solution which meets the issue effectively. You can control weak and dry hair fall issue using natural herbs as suggested by Dr. Bilquis.

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