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Home Remedies For Glowing Skin

Home Remedies For Glowing Skin

Natural remedies have been used for ages in skin care rituals. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to promote internal health, but did you know that some kitchen ingredients can work wonders for skincare while being natural and cost effective? Today, 
with expert inputs from Dermatologist Dr Meghna Gupta of Delhi Skin Centre, let's get back to our roots and understand a few quick home remedies for glowing skin.  
Home remedies for dry skin:
  • Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Virgin coconut oil or coconut butter makes a good moisturizer by providing a protective layer.
  • Apricot and avocado oil mixed with glycerin can be massaged on the face followed by warm toweling for an instant glow.
  • Mix almond oil with Vitamin E cream and apply at bedtime on face and hands. This leaves the skin soft and supple.

Home remedies for dry lips:
  • Desi Ghee is the best emollient available off the kitchen shelf. Nothing works better than this.
  • Apply a mixture of honey and antiseptic lip balm on the lips and leave them for 10-15 minutes. Remove with warm water.
  • Mix together a few drops of glycerin, lemon juice and castor oil. Apply it on your lips and keep it overnight.

Home remedies for treating under eye circles:
  • Placing cucumber slices over tired eyes relaxes the fatigued eye muscles.
  • Cooled tea bags can be used to rejuvenate the under eye areas. Tannins in tea help in fluid retention.

Home remedies for treating dark elbows and knees:
  • Mix sugar with honey and use it as a scrub twice a week. This is a wonderful natural polisher.
  • Cut a lemon in half, and scrub your knees with it. Leave lime juice overnight on your dark elbows and knees and see the difference for yourself.
  • Make a paste of milk cream, a pinch of turmeric, and 3 drops of basil leaf extract. Rub this mixture on dark elbows and knees and keep it overnight for maximum affect.

Home remedies for treating dull skin: 
  • Mix honey with milk powder. Make a thick paste and leave on for few minutes. For best results, it has to continued for a longer period.
  • Rub a piece of papaya on the face and neck for 15 minutes or churn a ripe papaya, make a thick paste and apply the pulp on face and neck.

Home remedies for treating oily skin: 
  • Mix honey with some lemon juice. Apply the paste evenly on face, neck and back. Leave it on for at least 5-10 minutes. This also acts as natural skin bleach and controls oil production to some extent.
  • Other than this, you can apply aloe vera on your face as it has excellent skin healing properties.
  • You can also go for  a  mixture of aloe vera juice, turmeric powder, honey and rice flour to treat oily skin.

A word of caution when using home remedies for skin care:
  • Acne or acne prone skin or individuals with sensitive skin should not try home remedies or any self medication without consulting a doctor.
  • The healthier and fresher the food consumed, the better the skin looks and glows.
  • Eat plenty of antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables such as oranges, lemons, sweet lime, papaya, green tea, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, and carrots.
  • Include omega 3 rich foods in the diet like walnuts, almonds and other nuts and seeds. These help in building skin immunity and glowing skin.

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