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Special Skin Fairness Tips By Dr.Khurram Mushi

Special Skin Fairness Tips By Dr.Khurram Mushir

Every girl wants a bright skin complexion, but due to expensive skin care creams and treatments, most young girls are unable to take care of their skin and get a clean and fair complexion.

Today style.pk is going to share some very special skin fairness tips by the acclaimed beautician expert Dr.Khurram Mushir. All these treatments are safe to use and one can easily make these creams or masks at home and get bright healthy glowing skin.

1) Homemade Skin Fairness Treatment

Things You Need:
1 tbsp Gram Flour
2-3 Drops Lime Juice
2 tsp Raw Milk
Mix all these ingredients and apply on your face. Rinse after 15 minutes.

2) Homemade Herbal Cream For Skin Fairness

10 gm Ubtan
10 gm Mulethi
10 gm Bal Jar (a herb)
10 gm Lemond Peel
10 gm Turmeric
Mix all these things very well and make a paste in milk or rose water. Apply this herbal cream on your face before going to bed, and wash with fresh water in the morning.

3) Best Homemade Fairness Cream One Month Use

5 Strawberries
4 tablespoon Yogurt
4 tbsp Jasmine Oil
4 tbsp Sandal wood with Ubtan Powder
1 cup Rose water
4 tbsp Multani Mitti Powder
4 tbsp crushed Almonds
6 pea-sized drops of Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate (available at medical stores)
Blend all these things in a blender. Refigerate the solution in a bowl. Scoop out a little cream (depending on your use), gently heat to melt it and apply it on your face and neck with the help of a brush.

4) Improve Your Skin Complexion With This Tip

1/2 rose water
1/4 part lemon juice
1/4 part glycerine
Mix all these things and apply on your face, neck and hands.

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