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Is there anybody out there who has no hair issues? Waking up with a gorgeous hair every day is not a reality that happens only in the movies! At least I do not wake up with oh so gorgeous hair every day, it takes a ton of products to make my hair behave well and yeah look super awesome. There are some days however when my hair does look pretty gorgeous and that is when I pamper them with some awesome hair packs. I wish I could do this on a daily basis nevertheless I shall enjoy it when it does make my hair silky smooth. So if you too feel the same like me, then hang on I shall share some amazing hair mask that will address the hair issues that we commonly face.

Coconut and olive dose for damaged hair: essential oil and egg are two super ingredients for hair and together they do wonders to your hair.
Ingredients: egg and essential oil
Method: Beat an egg along with few drops of essential oil and apply it from the root to the tip of your hair and cover it with a shower cap and leave it for at least an hour. Then rinse it off with a mild shampoo and follow it with a conditioner.
Banana Hair mask for dry hair: This one is for coarse and dry hair specifically.
Ingredients: Banana-1, almond oil – 1 tbsp
Method: Take out the pulp of banana, mash it well and add in a tbsp of almond oil. Blend it well and apply it on your hair right from the roots to the tip. Leave it on your hair for 30 mins and wash your hair.
Fenugreek hair mask for hair fall :
Ingredients: Blend in a tbsp of fenugreek seeds along with a tbsp of olive oil.
Method: This mask is for hair fall, do this mask treatment once every week and your hair will be transformed completely. Take a bowl and add the above-mentioned ingredients into it. Whisk it all together and blend it until you get a smooth paste. Apply this super mask all over your head including the scalp as well as the tip of the hair. Leave it on for about an hour or overnight and rinse your hair. Best home remedies for hair fall
Yogurt Hair mask for split ends:
Ingredients: Yogurt 2 tbsp and olive oil 1 tbsp
Method: Combine all of the ingredients together. Work the mask onto your hair, from the scalp to the ends. Give your scalp a good massage – you want the mask to cover your scalp. Leave the mask on for 15 -20 minutes. Wash as normal, if you use conditioner, just a small amount on the ends will do. Do this treatment once a week to restore and maintain your hair. DIY HOMEMADE YOGURT HAIR, FACE AND BODY MASKS
Coconut mask for dandruff: coconut contains all the vitamins and nutiretes essential for healthy hair.
Ingredients: Coconut oil- 2 tablespoons, Lemon juice – 1tablespoon
Mix all the ingredients well and apply the mask for half an hour and wash off to remove the excess oil from your hair. Best home remedies for oily hair
Lemon mask for oily hair: Too much oil in hair is always a pain as it makes your hair look limp and messy too. We have a great hair mask that will solve your issue.
Ingredients: Lemon juice- 1 tablespoon, Honey- 1 tablespoon
Whisk honey and fresh lemon juice. Apply this mask on your hair and let it sit for half an hour. Wash off your hair after that.

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