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Remove Unwanted Hairs Permanently At Home | A Women Park

Remove Unwanted Hairs Permanently At Home | A Women Park

Natural home remedies are the best option to remove unwanted hair from your body without any side effect or damages to your sensitive skin because no chemical is involved these methods. You will not need to put any extra effort into preparing as all ingredients are available easily at your home.

Remove Unwanted Hairs Permanently At Home

Hair provides insulation to our body that affects the perfect look of a person. Unwanted hair on the visible areas of the body like hands, feet, face, and back are the main problems faced by many women. Unwanted hairs grow due to an imbalance of hormones in our body, irregular menstrual cycle and use of particular medications or due to the pregnancy. These unwanted hair are the part of the body known as Hirsutism problems that is common both men and women. This unwanted hair grows on different body parts like cheeks, chin and on upper lips that become the problem to the beauty of women. These hairs are quite difficult to get rid of and keep it from going back. There are many remedies for removal of unwanted hair permanently without any side effect and cheaper than the methods available from being available from beauty clinics.
Some of the natural remedies for removal of unwanted hairs are sugar lemon mix for facial hair, sugar corn flour & egg, turmeric and wheat flour, papaya, lentil face pack, egg mask facial hair removal and spearmint tea. Choose the best suitable remedy according to your skin, one of the popular procedure used is given below:

How to use remedy lemon and honey mixture:

  • Add one tablespoon lemon juice to four tablespoons of honey.
  • Gently rub on face especially on hair areas and let it dry for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the mask with warm water.
  • Use this mask two times a week every month.

How to use remedy of sugar corn flour & egg:

  • Mix one tablespoon sugar, one tablespoon corn flour and one beaten egg.
  • Apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes and wash it with rose water.
  • Apply this procedure four time times a week every month.

How to use turmeric and whole wheat flour:

  • Mix turmeric and whole wheat flour both equally.
  • Add the same amount of oil enough to get a thick paste.
  • Apply this mask for 30 minutes then wash with rose water.
  • Apply once in a week and repeat if needed.
These natural remedies will take a longer time to show results and you have to be patient while trying these remedies. It is suggested that you consult a health advisor if you face unusual hair growth in your body like deepening of the voice and increased in muscle mass.