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Secrets of Foundations and Mineral Powders

Secrets of Foundations and Mineral Powders

ou have thousands of choices when it comes to choosing a foundation and/or mineral powders for your face. But little do we know, not all of them work the way we want.
Commercials show celebrities advertising and selling “this amazing” product but at the same time, how come our faces are not as picture perfect as theirs? Also, every notice in skin cleansing commercials when they are cleansing their faces, they still have makeup on at the end. This will make you more aware next time you see those commercials.
The reason why we don’t have “flawless” skin like the celebrities after we purchase the same products that they advertise is because we do not have the proper lighting, photo shop technology that hides and covers blemishes and unwanted acne scars and dark spots, and in everyday life we do not have the “edit video” option. Not all makeup is going to give us the same results and most of the makeup and foundations are not going to agree with our body’s chemistry.
What I mean by that statement is; 
Ever notice after you apply a foundation and/or mineral powder and you wear it throughout the day and after you wash your face and wake up the next morning you have discovered a few areas of breakout? Or even after washing your face at the end of the day you notice instantly you have breakouts?
It’s either (2) factors;
1) The foundation and/or mineral powder does not agree with your body’s chemistry and has blocked your pores.  
2) It is too heavy and filled with too many preservatives and causing your skin to lose the necessary oxygen that is needed for the regeneration of skin cells throughout the day.
Your skin is a giant living organism. 
What I have taken away from the countless pennies spent on getting foundations, mineral powders, and tinted moisturizers is that the real truth is that, it is tough to find something the works well and how you want it to work. I have noticed that they are too heavy for my face, where i develop breakouts after using themI have, like I said, tried mousse foundations, mineral foundations, and liquid foundations and no matter the company, i still have breakouts.
So what do I use now then?
I have been using Clinique Neutral Tinted Moisturizer SPF 15. I also use a light moisturizer underneath my tinted moisturizer because I find I need a little more moisture and it helps with giving a smoother finish after you apply your tinted moisturizer. I have grown attached to  Clinique Spot Correcting Even Better Lotion with SPF 15.
In order for you to find what works best for you, you have to be willing to step outside the normal routine and products you have and try others. Usually they say a good rule of thumb is to try the product for a month, but I usually do 72 days because then you really know what to expect. Everyone is different and you will know when a product isn’t good for you for whatever reason.

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