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Winter Skin Care Tips

Winter Skin Care Tips: Winter season is a very beautiful season, though the chilly winds of winter season can causadverse effects on your skin

in Winter Skin Care Tips: Winter season is a very beautiful season, though the chilly winds of winter season can cause adverse effects on your skin.

When you enter a centrally-heated room, your skin faces difficulty to adjust to the cold temperature against it, resulting in redness of skin. In winters, the affected skin of hands and feet can sometimes lead to bleeding of heals.
Therefore, you must follow a skin care routine in winters. Although chilly nature of winter season affects sensitive skin very adversely, yet you can enjoy winter season as much only if you take good care of your skin.

Reasons Behind Affected Skin in Winters:

  • Cool and dry winds of winter season affect your beautiful skin by producing redness.
  • Excessive use of hot water affects your skin.
  • Less consumption of water takes away the glow from your skin.
  • Washing your hair with hot water leads to dandruff and affected skin.
  • Winter sunlight harms skin cells and can lead to allergies, redness and even skin cancer.

Winter Skin Care Tips

  • Chilly breeze harms your facial and body skin. Hence, in order to maintain the beauty of your skin you must use a skin moisturiser on a daily basis.
  • Raw vegetables should be consumed more because they have higher water concentration in them, which fulfills your need of water.
  • Mix three drops of olive oil in half cup of water. Add 5-6 drops glycerine to it and apply it to your skin. This will enhance your skin complexion.
  • Consume at least ten glass of water daily.
  • In order to protect your skin from harmful effects of sunlight, apply sun block to your skin with an SPF value that is compatible to your skin type.
  • Apply a mixture of rose water, glycerine and lemon water to your hands and feet. This will protect your body skin against winter season.
  • Treat your skin to cleansing with a moisturising lotion daily. Also, provide your skin with facial treatment at least once a week to fight back the effects of winter season on your skin.
  • Before and after taking a bath, apply coconut oil to your skin. This will help in the nourishment of your body skin in winters.
  • Those who suffer from dryness of lips in winters must apply olive oil to their skin before sleeping and may use a chap stick in day time.

The above mentioned winter skin care tips will prove very useful for you. And you can enjoy the winter season without having any skin problem.
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